Sunday, 24 June 2018

100 Word Challange

I was crouching in the space between my bed and the
wall so that no-one would be able to find me. It had
been raining all morning and with nothing to do I had
sat on the squished myself into a small space to watch
YouTube as my eyes slowly turned square. BANG!!!
BANG!!! BANG!!!, someone was attempting to push my
door to the ground, I was about to shout GO AWAY!!!
But then I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to be
watching YouTube so I stayed quiet as the door swung
open. In came my mother carrying piles of laundry. I
stayed as quiet as a mouse as she placed the laundry on
my bed I prayed for her to leave and not see me tucked
away and my wish came true but as she left the room I
felt heavy in my stomach if I didn’t want my own mother
to see what I was doing then surely it wasn’t right.

Morale: Deep down you know what is right so follow that
instinct and good things will come if not you are the one
that is suffering.

Monday, 18 June 2018

100 Word Challange

(My story on how the statue got there)

Many years ago, long before civilization was
established men, women and children decided
that fighting was bad and that no-one should
fight because of the risks that fighting possess.
This was decision was made around the Iron
age. One extremely strong band of men decided
to show their respect to this decision by molding
a gun. You may be thinking, doesn’t a gun
symbolise fighting so how is this showing respect
to the decision. But the men recognised this
and they did something special with the gun they
tied a knot to the end of the statue gun showing
that it would never fire again. And we still have
this statue to this day.